Selection for the contractual posts of IT Coordinator |
Notification for Consultant and IT coordinator filling up of post in TNHSRP |
Notification for Training Co-Ordinator / Accounts Officer / Statistical Assistant / Tally Assistant / Computer Operator filling up of post in TNHSP/TNUHP/TNHSRP. |
Recruitment for the contractual post of “Ministerial Assistant |
Call for Proposal of Operational Research Program (ORP) |
Recruitment for the contractual post of Consultant |
Recruitment for the contractual post of Computer Operator on on Contract Basis |
Recruitment for the contractual post of Computer Operator on Temporary Basis |
Recruitment for the contractual posts of “Consultant, Tally Assistant and Office Assistant |
Recruitment for the contractual posts of " Consultant, Statistical Assistant, Tally Assistant and Office Assistant |
Recruitment for the contractual post of Computer Operator |
Recruitment for the contractual post of Consultant |
Recruitment for the contractual post of Office Assistant |
Recruitment for the contractual post of Training Coordinator |