Significant Interventions

Each of the 4 project components has its specific intervention programmes that serve as a framework for establishing the objectives.  

Project Component 1 

Increasing access to health Services 

  • Reducing maternal and neonatal mortality by supporting the operations of 80 Comprehensive Emergency Obstetrical and Neonatal care Centers (CEmONCs)
  • Improving tribal health by carrying out of the Tribal Development Plan in all identified tribal areas in the State (12 districts) in order to increase access to health care among tribal populations 
  • Facilitating use of hospitals by the poor and the disadvantaged through effective patient counselling services, provision of ambulances and mortuary vans, strengthening of laboratories and financing housekeeping services at 32 hospitals

Project Component 2

Combating non-communicable diseases and accidents 

  • Health Promotion activities for preventing non-communicable diseases through school-based, work place-based and community-based health promotion programmes
  • NCD interventions Tamil Nadu in support of expanding cervical cancer screening interventions, breast-cancer detection, and cardiovascular disease screening interventions

Project Component 3

Oversight and improved management of the health system

  • Strengthening the monitoring and evaluation capacity of the Department of Health and Family Welfare of Tamil Nadu by establishing a computerised Hospital Management System (HMS) in 222 secondary level hospitals and extending to 18 medical colleges which serve as tertiary level hospitals 
  • Strengthening healthcare waste management through the expansion of training infection control and waste management to all health personnel at all levels of healthcare
  • Capacity building for Strategy Development and Implementation by expansion of the Directorate of Medical Services, training of doctors and TNHSP staff and supporting the establishment of a data resource center

Project Component 4 

Maximising the efficiency of the public sector to deliver essential services 

  • Equipment rationalisation and strengthening of equipment and pharmaceuticals management 
  • Human Resource planning and development by financing additional contractual staff in 225 of the 270 project hospitals in order to improve overall efficiency